Why is strength training important as I age?
As we get older, and our hormones shift, it’s common to lose muscle mass, which can lead to weakness, poor balance, and reduced mobility. This can make everyday tasks feel harder and increase the risk of falls or joint injuries. Strength training can help combat these changes by improving muscle health, boosting endurance, enhancing balance, and maintaining bone density. By staying strong, you’re able to live an active and fulfilling life, focusing on the things that matter most—your health, family, and your ability to enjoy life.
What do you mean by “the core” of my body?
Your core is the powerhouse of your body and consists of a cylinder of muscles that work together to provide stability, strength, and more! The main muscles include the: transverse abdominis (front), diaphragm (top), multifidus (back), and pelvic floor (bottom). When these muscles expand and contract together properly, your whole body benefits from improved balance, strength, and mobility.
What is diastasis recti?
Diastasis recti is a separation of the abdominal muscles that commonly happens during pregnancy. Though many women’s bodies heal naturally after giving birth, some don’t, and this separation can remain due to factors like posture or genetics. If left untreated, this can affect core strength and appearance, but targeted rehabilitation can help.
Why do I still have a “tummy pooch” despite dieting and exercise?
A persistent “tummy pooch” can be created by several factors, including one very common cause - diastasis recti, a separation of the abdominal muscles. This often happens during pregnancy but can sometimes persist if the muscles don’t fully heal. Postural imbalances can make it even harder to regain core strength, but with the right approach, there’s hope for rehabilitation and a flatter, stronger core.
What do you mean by “the foundations” in your systems?
You have probably come across the term “building your foundations” in a few places and are wondering what exactly this means. Let’s get into it! The foundations are the beginning steps of the program - steps that are crucial yet constantly missing from general pelvic floor health as well as most other programs designed to solve pelvic floor issues. Necessary to create actual, long-lasting change, the program starts by identifying the root case of your symptoms - misalignment. First, re-learning how to breathe correctly, using the core breath. Assess and learn how to get your body into proper alignment, then release and strengthen your body toward natural alignment. By starting here, we ensure your body is ready for more advanced exercises, setting you on the right track for lasting results without risking further injury.
Can I return to any exercise I want?
Yes! The goal is for you to be able to enjoy your favorite activities and workouts again, safely and confidently, by restoring your body’s strength and function beginning with your core. While it’s tempting to rush into intense workouts, taking the time to retrain your breathing, and core function, as well as the symptoms and pain, you are paving the path to long-term success while preventing setbacks and injuries.
I’ve been athletic my whole life—will the program still help me?
Absolutely. Even lifelong athletes can benefit from getting their bodies into good alignment, especially if they’ve experienced pelvic floor issues - a signal that their core isn’t functioning optimally. Also, high-impact activities can put stress on your body, and without having solid foundations in place, these stresses often lead to injuries.
Is it normal to leak when I sneeze, run, or jump?
Leaking during physical activities or from the pressure of coughing or sneezing is a sign that your pelvic floor may need some attention. While common after pregnancy, this is not something you have to live with. Whether your pelvic floor is weak or overly tight, we can address this issue together so you can live leak-free.
I do my Kegels but still have leaking. Why?
Kegels have been one of the most commonly recommended solutions for pelvic floor issues for decades, however because the focus previously was on contracting and lifting the pelvic floor while overlooking the release, problems were often encountered. A pelvic floor that’s too tight can be just as problematic as one that’s weak; both need to be addressed. In place of kegels, here at Pelvic Floor Secrets we teach the Core Breath. Re-learning this natural, gentle breath that your body performs automatically when your core and pelvic floor are functioning well, is the first step toward a full solution.
What is pelvic organ prolapse?
When one or more of your pelvic organs (bladder, uterus, or rectum) has “dropped” from their normal position, the bulge that is created is called a prolapse.
Could I have a prolapse without knowing?
It’s possible to have a mild prolapse without noticeable symptoms. By catching it early, you have the opportunity to improve it by restoring the proper pressure dynamic and function of your core before there is an impact on your daily life.
Why did I develop a prolapse now that I’m in menopause?
It is well known that the hormonal shift during perimenopause and menopause creates a lot of changes in the body. When this is combined with underlying issues, like misalignment of the body, pressure mismanagement, and core weakness, downward pressure can result in the creation of one or more prolapses. But using the right approach, you can solve this pressure dynamic and restore the function of your core to improve the prolapse(s) and its symptoms.
Should I see a pelvic floor physiotherapist?
Yes! A pelvic floor physiotherapist can be a key part of your health routine, helping you to assess, activate, release tension from your pelvic floor and more. Their expertise works hand in hand with our programs to help you achieve the best possible results for your body.
Why haven’t I heard of these issues before?
Up until recently, information about the pelvic floor was not widely available. Thankfully this is changing and pelvic floor issues have been gaining more attention in the general health community. You don’t have to suffer in silence anymore! It is Nicole’s mission to be part of creating this change, giving women all over the world access to the accurate, helpful information that will empower them to solve their pelvic floor issues for good.