The Foundation Program covers what true core engagement looks like and how to achieve it. Every person on this planet needs to know how to do this to workout safely, but also to manage life overall, ie: lifting their baby, children, groceries, work bags etc.
We may not realize it but we are lifting every single day, moving and contorting our body to get things done. You will learn what real and complete core engagement truly look like and why it’s crucial for your body to learn to do this on the regular. Often in the fitness world we hear “Engage your core! Pull the belly button to the spine!” This is only addressing a small part of the core and actually causes havoc for some pretty major parts of our body that are left to fend for themselves. Each and every one of my clients has experienced incredible lasting success through The Foundation Program.
Everyone knows you should have better posture but yet no one is able to put it into practice, this program teaches you how and explains it in such a way that you can actually make this a reality in your everyday life.
“I am beyond happy I reached out to Nicole to have her teach me proper foundation and posture while working out. Having just turned 30 and recognizing that it was difficult to get up off the floor after playing with my daughter, I decided I needed to start focusing on my physical health. I have worked out here and there in the past, but it has never been part of my lifestyle. To be successful, I knew I needed to work with a fitness coach who could teach me how to work out. Nicole’s Foundation Program was incredibly helpful. I learned how to properly do a squat (that didn’t hurt my knees) for the first time in my life and I now have a deep awareness of my posture. I can’t believe how much stronger I feel while working out with a few simple posture adjustments. The Foundation Program also taught me the importance of core breath and how it affects healthy pelvic floor function (Mama’s rejoice!). And the best thing? I’m doing this all from home! It’s been an amazing experience and I can’t wait to turn this into my new lifestyle! Thanks so much!
— Virginia Ehrlich
Once you know the two crucial elements to help your body: proper core engagement and proper attainable alignment - then you can move on to using these new learnings when it comes to movement.
This program details all the common moves that you use at the gym or in your home workouts so that you finally learn how to do them while incorporating the core breath and proper alignment. At the end, your body will be different. You will be able to do any workout or exercise of your choosing using these skills to keep your pelvic floor - and body - safe and healthy.
Let these ladies tell you all about it!
Who is this for?
This program is for any woman who has low back pain, poochy stomach, leaks when they exercise or in life, has a prolapse, just had a baby, is having a baby or had a baby years ago, suffers from tail bone pain, hip pain, has hernia’s, workouts hard but does not have any information about their pelvic floor or suffers from diastasis recti.
You can expect to carry your body differently, you can expect your pain to be alleviated, you can expect to feel empowered in your body, knowing how to engage it and align it for success in any workout program that you choose from here on out. If you are hiring a trainer, it doesn't matter if your trainer does not have this information, because YOU will. You will be able to apply it to yourself - anytime, anywhere.
“Following the birth of my first child I found myself anxious to get back into shape. I returned to my at-home workouts at 3 months postpartum. Unfortunately this did not help my mild case of diastasis recti and actually worsened it. After seeing a physiotherapist for this and my pelvic health, I still felt unsure about returning to my workouts. I was scared of poor form causing further damage and interfering with healing.
The Foundation Program was just what I needed to boost my confidence in my ability to heal my body while exercising. I learned about the posture I had assumed since my pregnancy and I took some lasting reminders of how to correct it in my daily routine.
I feel safe and educated after completing The Foundation Program with Nicole and would recommend this program to all mommies!”
— Bethany Muir
This program is for vitality, strength and empowerment for every woman. It is life changing and will forever give you a foundation to build on.
Since strength training is my first love, I advocate for this constantly because of the miraculous things I have seen happen with myself and thousands of my clients over the years. I will be releasing a strength training programs that will help you further the goals started in The Foundation Program.
All that to say, there is more where this came from.
My programs are built to allow you to automate the engagement and alignment you will learn in The Foundation Program so that you are strong in the areas that will allow you to naturally be in this new and correct posture all day - everyday.
Once you sign up for The Foundation Program, you’ll be able to join my private online Facebook Community, The Inner Circle.
I will be answering questions there, members learn from one another and share if they have any struggles or questions. The team at Nicole Thorne Fitness will ensure you enjoy success now and moving forward. Remember no one can do this alone, that is why I have created this special community.
Welcome to the team. I am glad you are here!!
You will have lifetime access to this program so you can always refer back to it, and better yet,
if I make updates or additions to it in the future, you will get all of the updates I make from now until forever!