Training Styles Available


Private 1:1 Training!

We offer private sessions to personalize your training.
Each session is tailor made to your particular body and health requirements. We take the time to understand your journey and create the optimum routines just for you.


Partner Training!

We also offer partner trainings! How much fun is it getting into shape with a partner? It builds confidence and commitment. You can learn, get healthy and have fun all at the same time!

Online Course Training!

Train with us from the comfort of your own home! Start with our Signature course, The Foundation Program, and set yourself up for a change in your body and in the way you work out!

This program is essential if you are a woman and suffer from either peeing a little when you cough, prolapse, are pre or postnatal, have constant lower back pain or have a heaviness down below. It’s available NOW for you to purchase and start taking from your living room! Get ALL the details, testimonials and get your hands on it now!

Fitness App Training!

Does your busy life and schedule not allow you to get to the gym regularly? Maybe it’s your work? Your kids? There's an app for that! We offer an app with work out videos, daily progress tracking, a calendar for daily workouts and sessions with your trainer.

No more excuses! What are you waiting for? Reach out to get set up on our private client only app!

Follow our journey.